Meet Jac

Wrinkly as hell, I’m sure you can tell that I’ve been wearing this a lot (high five to whoever can spot the strawberry stain). But this is how I wanted to photograph it – well worn and loved.

We the sewing Jac shirt 1The Jac shirt pattern from Tessuti Patterns was Continue reading

A pink Anna

Have you ever felt a bit smug as a sewer? Like when you’ve finished a project and you’re just SO chuffed about the fit, the fabric and you can’t wait to show it off?

Well, I am pretty darn smug today. This dress is without a doubt the nicest thing I’ve ever made for myself. This is largely thanks to the fabric which I absolutely adore. And the Anna dress was perfect for it. IMG_0364Altering bodices is definitely not my favourite thing (I always have to do a pretty significant SBA), so after 3 semi ok muslins I just went ahead and made the dress anyway. And after some additional changes as I was sewing that were definitely not ‘by the book’, the fit just clicked. Even the insides look pretty with french seams everywhere except for the zipper/centre seam in the back.  Continue reading

#theRefashioners a.k.a sustainainable sewing fest!

refashion1 (1)Have you heard of the Refashioners? Organised by sewing mastermind Portia over at, it’s a month long sustainable upcycling marathon and challenge hosted on her blog. She invites a number bloggers to take part, and gives them the challenge to make something new out of an old piece of clothing. This year that piece of clothing is a men’s shirt.

I was one of the lucky few to be invited and without blinking I agreed to to take part. For me, this was a golden opportunity to: Continue reading

Upcycling: Into the woods

Recently I wrote about how my mum saved my (clothes lacking) ass by gifting me some old clothes she could no longer wear. Well, I have finally managed to do some upcycling work on one of the two dresses she gave me.

In my head, this photo session with my reluctant photographer/boyfriend was supposed to be more a ‘hey look at me and my multicoloured dress, it goes very well with these trees, doesn’t it?”. Instead it became a lot more ‘hey, I live in the woods in a small house and the animals and trees are my only friends’. My sincere apologies for that.

IMG_5581 Continue reading